Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips For Rubbish Removal

spring cleaning tips

Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips For Rubbish Removal

Love it or hate it, spring cleaning exists as an opportunity to take out our brooms and our brushes and tackle the rubbish pile-ups, broken furniture and other unsightly jobs at home. 

There’s no set method for the best spring cleaning tips, but as rubbish removal experts, we can provide you with some practical help on how you can make the process more straightforward and dare we say – enjoyable – rather than a neverending chore!

Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips For 2025:

So dive in to find out our top 10 spring cleaning tips, and how you can make your home spotless. 

  1. Part the sea of clutter first
  2. Research appropriate cleaning materials
  3. Remember that cleaning can’t save everything
  4. Separate jobs into manageable chunks
  5. Clean top to bottom
  6. Dedicate ample time to the bathroom and kitchen
  7. Make it something to look forward to
  8. Choose set places for your items
  9. Air out your home with fresh scents
  10. Hoover and mop floors last

1. Part the sea of clutter first

Spring cleaning can be an overwhelming task, especially if you’re taking on a deceased estate, mattresses and bed frames or you’re prone to hoarding. Before you can get into the nitty gritty of sweeping, dusting and wiping, you should prioritise emptying the room of anything you don’t intend to keep.

Be strict with yourself. Get rid of all your clutter – old or broken objects you no longer need or use and decorative items, clothing or accessories that no longer suit your style preferences and interior tastes.

It can be hard to strike the balance between keeping items you feel most sentimentally attached to and providing a work or home space that doesn’t feel overloaded with stuff. Remember that the Go Easy team can give you a hand with the practicalities of clearing your rubbish, removing the burden of a trip to the tip, especially for those heavier items.

2. Research appropriate cleaning materials

Imagine finally getting around to cleaning your antique mid-century coffee table, only to use the wrong cleaning products and permanently stain the wood? There couldn’t be anything worse! For those items you rarely tend to, make sure you check which chemicals and cleaning products are safe and which are a no-go before you accidentally strip the top layer off. 

For example, you’ll need specific fluid for wiping your glass windows and doors, and waterproof wood varnish for your garden furniture. It’s always worth pausing to check, which is why we recommend doing so before you get in the cleaning groove and lose momentum.

3. Remember that cleaning can’t save everything

As much as we’d like to believe that a good scrubbing can get out even the toughest stains, sometimes it’s just not possible. Take a pragmatic stance on your spring cleaning and try to approach it with an objective eye. If large furnishings such as your sofa or countertops are looking particularly worse for wear, deep cleaning them might not be worth it if they stay looking tired after all that effort.

If you’re paying for expensive cleaning products for specialised items such as antique furniture which is clearly past its best, weigh up whether this is more cost-effective than saying goodbye and investing in something of better quality that is likely to last longer.

best spring cleaning tips

4. Separate jobs into manageable chunks

When you split up your cleaning into manageable tasks, you’re much less likely to procrastinate getting started. Whether it’s by room, an hour at a time, or the duration of an album, set a reasonable commitment you can stick to.

During these designated time slots, use your resources effectively. If you’re letting some items soak in hot soapy water, wipe down your dry surfaces while you wait. This will help turn your allocated sessions into more productive cleaning blocks, and you’ll feel satisfied with your progress after each one.

5. Clean top to bottom

This tip might seem arbitrary, but it has a practical benefit, as well as a psychological one. As well as being better able to visualise your work, cleaning top to bottom ensures you don’t end up cleaning the same items twice. For example, if you give your cushions a good shake and then dust the picture frames hanging above your sofa, you might end up having to do it again.

So, work your way down. Start by dusting cobwebs and dust from ceiling corners. This methodical approach will make sure you don’t accidentally miss anything, and remind you to check inside drawers and behind cupboards too, rather than getting distracted by the largest items in the room.

6. Dedicate ample time to the bathroom and kitchen

The bathroom and kitchen are two rooms in the house where items, mould and bacteria can quickly accumulate. Whether it’s kitchen or white good appliances you were given 20 years ago which are still sitting in their box, or beauty products stacking up in your cabinets which expired far too long ago, often we get so used to seeing these products in a busy room that eventually we fail to notice them there taking up space altogether.

Once you’ve removed excess items, grab your rubber gloves, put on a mask, and ensure you wipe down all surfaces that come into contact with food waste or water with high-grade cleaning products. Keep windows open when you do this. In some cases, you may need to wait a while for these products to have their full effect. Make sure you leave the room to avoid inhaling chemicals.

top 10 spring cleaning tips

7. Make it something to look forward to

Are you someone who procrastinates their spring cleaning until it becomes a summer haulout, an autumn detox or even a mid-winter cleanse? It’s easy to think of the many tasks involved in a spring clean as insurmountable and lose the will to even start. Reframe your narrative around removing rubbish and cleaning, and gamify the experience. 

Turn it into a household activity as a chance for you and your loved ones to spend quality time, or play your favourite tunes through the house for some practical ‘me-time’. We suggest setting a timer to avoid burning out on your first cleaning session. As you work through your rooms, you’ll see the place coming together and feel a growing sense of satisfaction, rather than a looming dread that you have an entire house or workspace to clean, and no structure or starting point to approach it.

8. Choose set places for your items

Once your home is starting to feel a little more organised, you want to figure out how you can keep it this way. Our best spring cleaning tips for achieving this include making a ‘home’ for your stuff. Especially in rooms where you’re constantly picking up items such as your kitchen and living room, designate specific sections, cupboards and shelves so cleaning up can become a muscle-memory activity. 

Secondly, consider the flow of your home so you can best place items. For example, a drawer or deep bowl by the front door can be a good place to store those objects you need right before you leave the house, such as your keys and sunglasses. No more tearing the house apart to find one tiny thing!

9. Air out your home with fresh scents

Once your home is starting to feel a little more organised, you want to figure out how you can keep it this way. Our best spring cleaning tips for achieving this include making a ‘home’ for your stuff. Especially in rooms where you’re constantly picking up items such as your kitchen and living room, designate specific sections, cupboards and shelves so cleaning up can become a muscle-memory activity. 

Secondly, consider the flow of your home so you can best place items. For example, a drawer or deep bowl by the front door can be a good place to store those objects you need right before you leave the house, such as your keys and sunglasses. No more tearing the house apart to find one tiny thing!

spring cleaning tips for rubbish removal

10. Hoover and mop floors last

The final step in your spring cleaning should be the floors. Remove or stack large furniture to free up accessibility to your floor space. First, use a broom, sweep or dustpan and brush to collect the larger items of clutter into a corner.

Then, hoover each room to remove the dust and smaller pieces of rubbish that have likely been collected from your earlier work. If you’re cleaning a tiled or floorboard room, your final step should be to mop them with warm soapy water or specially designed floor cleaning fluid. Start in the corner of the room furthest away from the door, so you can walk backwards as you wet it.

Stay out of the room for at least an hour to avoid the risk of slipping. You’ll be amazed at how a sparkling, crumb and dust-free floor can pull your efforts together and make your rooms feel refreshed and clean.

Our Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips In Summary

We’ve given you our very best spring cleaning tips so that you can take on the job with confidence and finish it with satisfaction. But don’t forget that you can also reach out for a helping hand, especially when it comes to seeking a professional rubbish removal solution and the many surrounding rubbish benefits.

We specialise in delivering household, commercial disposal and furniture removal services with minimal fuss and disruption to your day. Just choose a slot that works for you – we can even accommodate for same-day removals if you’re the type of person who can’t keep things moving until your old stuff is gone.

So whether it’s a sudden burst of motivation for a top-to-toe garage clear out, or the urge to finally deal with the ‘big renovation clean’ you’ve been putting off for months or even years, take control over your home with the best spring cleaning tips.

Get in touch with the experienced Go Easy team today on 0432 644 510. Or, send us a photo for a free quote or to arrange your pick-up time. 

A spring-cleaned home is only a call away!

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